Friday, February 27, 2015

Feb 25, 2015 Shroud Cay

I overheard Kathy talking about going back to the beach they took a picture of me when I was a puppy 11 years ago.  Dinghy ride and beach...can't wait.  First we stopped at a large beach and Kathy let me jump from the dinghy and swim in.  Bitts would never had made it that far.  Shitz Shu's are not know for their swimming ability...and Bitts has a small, recessed snorkel.  I immediately began tearing up the beach and running as far away as I could.  I do this on purpose to upset Kathy, as she is afraid I will become a Bahamian dog.  Rich is much cooler about it and just ignores me...I always come back.  Bitts swam a little and then did some beach combing.  We both ran up and down the beach a few times, but then Bitts got tired and jumped back into the dinghy.  It was time to go and I pretended not to hear Kathy calling me and I kept running like a bat out of hell (whatever that means) down the beach.  So eventually I turn around, and what???  Hey, what's going on here.  No dinghy.  They left me!!  I mean they really left me!!  The dinghy was way out there.  So I thought about it for a minute and I did not know of a kibbles supply out here, so I thought I better swim like hell out to them.  And boy did I swim like I've never swam before, at least 70 yards.  Good thing I'm a good swimmer.  Rich and Kathy had not seen any sharks, stingrays or even a minnow at Shroud and there were people swimming in the crystal clear water, so they knew I would be okay.  Well they must have seen me swimming and they slowed down so I could catch up.  Kathy pulled me back into my dinghy and we were off to the Exuma Sound beach side.  The channel that goes across the cay to the Exuma Sound is shallow, especially at low tide.  The tide was rising, but  Rich hit a small sand bar, and oops, we hit the sand so hard that Bitts and I popped out of the dinghy.  Of course we were standing on the bow, and good thing we were tethered to the dinghy, so Kathy could just pluck us out of the water. Rich thought we better turn around and explore other parts of Shroud and come back later.  So on high tide we tried it again and made it to one of the most beautiful beaches in the Exumas.  Bitts and I swam and ran up and down this pristine wasn't so pristine after we got done with it, but that is what the tide is for.  Anyway, I even rolled in seaweed...I don't know why, it just feels good.  We got full of sand and salt water, so when we got back to the mother ship we had to get a shower and then dry off.  That's our least favorite thing about a day at the beach, but oh those dreams tonight!

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