Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday, April 2nd

Still on the Levophed today, but decreasing the dosage, maintaining blood pressure 96/58 on 6.6 mcg.  Changed antibiotics to Meropenem based on blood cultures.  Changed PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) from right to left arm, just to prevent infection.  Seemed to be in sleep cycle until about 2:00 pm today.  At 6:30 pm back to sleep cycle.  Nurses say he does respond when getting moved or ointment in eyes, and they can tell he does not like it.  All in all a quiet day, and that is alright to me.


  1. Dear Kathy & Rich, Joe,Dad, Shadow and I just want to tell you both how truly sorry we are. We can't even imagine how hard this is for you. You both are in our hearts, our prayers and thoughts all day. Could you please tell Rich from Joe and I that the day we met and he invited us on the Rikava for the first time he is our hero. His love for your boat and sailing gave us the courage to take our saving and buy our Misty Maiden. He was so busy getting your boat ready to go, but he sat and shared his love and knowledge with us for three or more hours. We will be forever grateful to him and hopefully he will recover soon so he can take us out sailing and teach us more. Please if you need anything please call us anytime day or night 509-937-4015hm and cell is 509-991-0073. Love and BIG BIG HUGS for you Kathy! LOVE Sheree, Joe, Dad and Shadow

  2. Dear Kathy and Rich,
    Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking and praying for you and Rich. I have sent Theresa, Lisa, Terry and Marcia the information on the blog. Terry and Marcia are in the process of moving to Miami as I write this. They will be in Orlando tonight. If there is anything we can do for you please let me know. 210-722-4860. We will continue to keep you both in our thoughts and prayers. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Love kathy and don presgraves
